Enhancement feedback on Viewport navigation - Focus Selected [F key]


Currently on 4.7.0 Preview 5 win7 64bit

Focus Selected function “F Key” and Shift+F Key works well if one or several objects are selected, for one or several viewports.
If no object is selected it does nothing, this is the part I want to change.

As like the number “0” mathematically means nothing and also everything, I wish for that if nothing were to be selected then Focus Selected should focus on the entire scene as if every visible object were selected. :slight_smile:

Similar to 3ds max “Zoom extend” (one viewport) and “Zoom extend all” (all viewports).


Yes , will be great, but this is a game engine , wasd like a game , it’s already awesome that Unreal Engine have a F key + alt/clic turn around selection.
So +1 but i don’t think , they will make something , like Europeen keybord ‘ZQSD’ nothing

Hi =F.F.M=ForeverHappy,

Thank you for your request, I have entered a feature request, UE-9521 to be considered by the development staff.

Hi Mr !

Thank you for registering the request, hope that the dev staff find this useful as I do.

I’d imagine this could become annoying though, if you thought you had something selected, pressed F to focus on it, and suddenly found yourself completely zoomed out from where you were.