EnhancedInputComponent - How do I detect specific triggers in C++?

I’ve created an InputAction asset in UE5.3 and added it to my character. I’ve also successfully bound the button in C++, e.g.:

EnhancedInputComponent->BindAction(FireAction, ETriggerEvent::Triggered, this, &AFreePawn::FireHeld);
		EnhancedInputComponent->BindAction(FireAction, ETriggerEvent::Completed, this, &AFreePawn::FireCompleted);

The ETriggerEvents I can assign using BindAction() are: “Cancelled, Completed, None, Ongoing, Started, Triggered”.

However, the InputAction asset I created in the Editor window has triggers such as “Hold and Release” and “Tap” that don’t seem to have an equivalent in ETriggerEvents.

How can I detect something like a “Tap” or a “Hold and Release” in C++? I thought I would have access to something like

if (FireAction.IsHoldAndRelease) {}



But I can’t see anything like that. What do I do if I want to detect whether a triggered event is a “Tap” or a “Hold and Release”?