This is in my Character Blueprint, and I’m using the enhanced input action system to get used to it since it’s new. I already used one input to move my camera with WASD, and then I tried doing the same for the rotation using Q and E. The camera was rotating but it was snapping or teleporting to the next angle, so I thought that adding an Rinterp would help, but the camera still snaps, no interpolation at all. I’ve tried putting the Event Tick in delta but it only made worse, the camera barelly passes 90 degrees using the tick.
This is the entire code, the RotationSpeed is set to 45, and the interp speed is set to 8 because I’ve used this same function before but without using the enhanced input system and it worked. And if the Interp don’t work at all with the new input system, I’ll probably switch back to the older one. Any ideas?