Enhanced Movement (Dynamic Jump Capsule)

Enhanced Movement Plugin: fab.com/s/103cb945347b

Store Page: fab.com/sellers/TracerInteractive


The EnhancedCharacterMovement plugin provides custom ACharacter and UCharacterMovementComponent classes. It includes all new AAA quality jump mechanics that dynamically resize the capsule in midair:

This simulates the effect of characters lifting their legs and allows players to properly jump over objects without requiring an absurd JumpZVelocity that makes it feel as if the character is floating on the moon. The plugin also comes with an extra “sprint” movement mode that allows two different running speeds by default.

Note: There are plans to add other advanced movement modes and mechanics in future updates, such as a custom lean mode with capsule pushaway on the right or left sides, along with a prone movement mode that includes ground-based angle adjustments and capsule pushaway for the left and right legs. We will also be developing a separate “climbing” plugin that extends the enhanced movement component with the ability to climb ledges or ladders.

Custom Lean Mode with Capsule Pushaway

Custom Prone Movement with Water-Level Detection

Custom Climb Mechanic with Automatic Ledge Detection

Custom Ladder Mechanic with “Slide-Down” Functionality