Enhanced Input System Does Not Work On Host

I have a multiplayer game that I want to run either on a dedicated server or a P2P connection. When I test the game while playing “As Client”, it works just fine. However, when I was switch to “Listen Server”, only the CLIENT can move, not the host, when using the enhanced input system.

However, when I switch back to the old Input system, everything works fine on all modes. Did someone run into this before? I don’t understand why the bug is happening, I have had nothing but problems with this new system smh

This is a screenshot of the enhanced movement that only works on clients but not the host, somehow.

This blueprint works everywhere.

How do you have Axis Value input ?

It’s possible that the enhanced input system is causing some conflicts with the Listen Server mode. One thing you could try is to use the “Server” authority instead of “Listen Server” and see if that helps resolve the issue.

You could also try disabling the “Predictive Movement” feature in the enhanced input system and see if that helps.

Another thing to check is if your replication settings are properly configured. Make sure that the inputs are properly replicated and synchronized between the server and clients.

If none of these solutions work, you may want to post your issue on the Unreal Engine forums or reach out to their support team for further assistance.

Thank you all, really , I made new inputs like you showed , and this work , have a very good day , you saved mine

i’m having the same issue, but don’t know what i need to look, could you please tell me where i can find the “predictive movement” option ? or point to me to a tutorial or document on how to replicate the new enhanced input system?

thanks in advance for all the help.

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I’m facing the same issue and don’t know anything about disabling predictive movement and couldn’t find anything in docs as well. It’d help a lot if someone points us to something that we can use. Thanks.

Try adding an Event Possessed node to your Character BP.


Have the same issue and I don’t know where is “Predictive Movement” placed, but this helped me - just replaced Get Controller to Get Player Controller