I am trying to write some custom int32 AbilityInputID value into the child class of UInputAction.
This action then gets bound in c++ MyPlayerEnhancedInputComponent->BindAction() that passes the value of the AbilityInputID to a handler function which passes it to my AbilitySystemComponent AbilitySystemComp->AbilityLocalInputReleased(AbilityInputID); to activate the Gameplay Ability.
This works, I can create Blueprints of the child and select the value AbilityInputID in it
, but I noticed that these child blueprints are not creating the blueprint event nodes.
These are all UInputAction base classes, the event nodes for the child class I made don’t get created.
I tried browsing through the InputBlueprintNodes folder of the EnhancedInput module, but can’t wrap my head around how the nodes are created or how I can enable my child class to also automatically create these blueprint nodes.
If you have any ideas please let me know!