I am using the enhanced input system in UE 5.2.1.
I want separate events for:
Left thumbstick moved
Right thumbstick moved
Both thumbsticks moved
I created IA_LeftAxis2D which is a 2D axis and mapped it to the Oculus Touch (L) Thumbstick 2D-Axis.
Next, I created IA_RightAxis2D which is a 2D axis and mapped it to the Oculus Touch (R) Thumbstick 2D-Axis.
Those work perfectly and get called whenever I move either or both thumbsticks.
Now, I want to have a different event when both thumbsticks are moved. For example, if both thumbsticks are pushed outwards. So, I created the following actions:
IA_LeftNegXAxis mapped to Oculus Touch (L) Thumbstick X-Axis with a negate modifier
IA_RightXAxis mapped to Oculus Touch (R) Thumbstick X-Axis
Then, I tried to create a IA_Up which has chorded actions for the thumbsticks being moved:
But, the event never gets called.
How do I need to do this?