With U5.3 the new input system is the default, I am trying to make an pawn (character) jump a fixed amount on one axis based on an input event (defined that just fine), while removing the default input configuration, still my character moves in a continuous fashion, rather in discrete jumps. Can anyone advise what I did wrong here?
Jump in what way? Jump-jump or an animated move? How is the movement supposed to look like? Like in a board game? Press a button once and the pawn moves from A->B on its own over x seconds? If so, use a Timeline.
still my character moves in a continuous fashion
If you do not want to see the animation of movement, Set Actor Location instead.
Add Movement Input is not suitable for this kind of movement. It expects a direction (as seen on the node) rather than world location and needs updating every frame.
Hey There, thank you for the reply, let me clarify a bit. Oh for simplicity reason I just wanted a Pawn object to “teleport”, so no animation whatsoever. An example would be a chess piece that would jump from one square to another without any animation. Literally just jump in space instantly. I tried Set Actor Location, but that would be setting it relative to world origin. What I want to do is just adjust position by an arbitrary number X (400 in my case), so thought using Add Movement Input was appropriate. It is basically an endless runner like game (doing it to familiarize with procedural continuous terrain generation :D), and the character (Pawn object) “teleports” left and right by a fixed amount… So I assume my input setup is fine, and I messed it up in the blueprints?