Enhanced Input - Chorded action with Axis1D(float)

Hi, Im trying to make character movement.

I’m working on solution for movement and sprint functionality. Actually it works only if my character speed is greater than 0 and left shift is triggered.
But when i hold left shift and make move, functionality isn’t work (because character speed is 0 in the moment when im holding left shift).

So I’m trying to make Chorded action for sprint which could be triggered only for combination of left shift (bool) + forward / strafing (axis1D).

When i try to make chorded action with another boolean IA it works. But when I make chorded action with Axis1D(float) it doesn’t work and my movement is blocked for some reason.

Maybe this will be better description

When I use my IA_MoveVertical as chord action for IA_Sprint
IA_Sprint will be triggered but in same moment is IA_MoveVertical is triggered too but character doesn’t move.

When I use only IA_MoveVertical everything seems fine, I see that is triggered and my character is moving.

I finnaly found a solution.

Because using InputAction as chord action trigger will cause disabling that InputAction for another behavior I have to create second InputAction with same button and use that one as chord action.

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