Enhanced Input Action Displayed In WIdget Blueprint 5.3.2

Good evening,

I’m creating a Widget Blueprint to use as a debug tool. (Unreal 5.3.2)
I can’t seem to display the “input key” that I use for movement, such as “Forward,” “Backward,” etc. It should show “W,” “A,” etc., but instead, it shows “none.”
The Player moves so I assume the keybinds are ok.

PS: “Avanti” = “Forward” and “Indietro” = “Backward” (the TextBox are in italian)


Hey @AlberoArch

in this case, if it would work, you would get Move with W and Move with A. There would be no differentiation. Try this :slight_smile:

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Thanks for replying.

I will try to figure out following this video. :ok_hand:

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