Enhance mosaic with CLI

Hello to the RC community,

I am currently using Reality Capture to build hi-res orthomosaics of almost-flat objects, and would need to further automate the process with CLI. The camera positions are precisely known.

My workflow is as follows :

  • Create new project
  • Import low-res images and flightlog, align
  • Import hi-res images and flightlog, align
  • Uncheck the low-res images for texturing
  • Generate model
  • Build ortho with aerial mosaicing algo
    > the resulting mosaic still uses the low-res images in some regions

I get how to correct it by hand : enhance mosaic, create/import regions, for each region have all low-res images moved to DISABLED and all hi-res suggested images moved to ACTIVE, bake.

Now, how can I do the same with CLI ? Assuming that for each imported region I know which images to use. I have not found significant commands related to mosaic enhancing in the CLI documentation, besides how to import regions, but if there are any please share.

Thanks for your help !


It is not possible to enhance ortho mosaics using the CLI commands.
I will create a feature request, but I can tell you on the spot that it will have a lower priority. We did not receive any other inquiries about the CLI integration of this tool, and enhancing is usually don’t manually since the parts that need to be changed are not always the same.


Thanks for the quick (and honest) reply, although this is quite disappointing for my use case.

I understand the enhancement via CLI is not possible at the moment. My question would be : can I disable in some way the pictures I don’t want to use so that the algorithm does not pick them ?

Something similar to the “do not use for texture” setting but that would work for all uses. A sort of general disabling once the reconstruction is done ?

Thanks for your help,