Engrams and Map Extension

Hi Guys, i have a Problem i work on a map extension. The Map Extension ist finished all harvestable items are on the map that i need. But all the engrams from a workstation and more is not in the engramlist in the game. So can anyone help me how i get the engrams in the game?

In the moment i have 2 Levels.

  1. Level = Extension Level with harvestable items.
  2. ModMap = Level with the PrimalGameData

By the mod cooking i have insert the Levels in the Mapslist so: ExtLevel,ModLevel

But i have no Engrams in the Game to learn.

I need help with this.

Have you added the “EngramsEntry” of your Engram in the “PrimalGameData” of your mod ?

yes i have it the engrams are in the additional Engrams in the PrimalGameData from my mod and i have instert the PrimalGameData in the Level from my mod.

On your map extension, remove the reference to your pgd