
Dear Reader

im looking to have my item craftable in my new structure, but you dont have to learn the engram and it doesnt appear in the engram list, how to i go about doing this?

dont add engram to the the additional engrams list and then set the item to be crafted in the structure i would think, never did it.

I’ve had this same problem, and there is no clean solution.

  1. You have to set your recipe to auto-craft. In that case, you will not be able to see or manually trigger it (it will craft on its own as soon as materials are present and structure is active), but you won’t need the engram for it.
  2. You will have to learn the engram, but this will allow you to control if you want to craft the recipe or not.
    I’ve tried a lot of things, and at present, there is no way to make structures have recipes you don’t have to learn via engram. Of course, blueprints could be a solution, but then you need to get a blueprint from somewhere.

you could use the cheat inventory to spawn it in the structure and make the blueprint non removeable

Okay, disregard my earlier reply, there actually is a way. Seems that most people don’t know about it yet.

  1. Add the items you want to your default inventory and set the corresponding “default engram” to 0 (yes, 0). You could also not set corresponding “default engram” fields, as they are defaulted to 0.
  2. Somewhere close to the top of the BP, there are two check boxes: “force inventory blueprint” and “force inventory non-removable”. Tick them both.
    What you’ll have as a result is a blueprint of the item that you can’t remove from the container. The only difference with engrams is that the color will be blue, not white (and you won’t have to learn them).

Just be aware that it causes a minor UI glitch: while the blueprints will not take up storage space (you’ll still be able to add 60 items to the smithy, for example), the number of displayed slots total will remain the same and it’ll look like you only have 59 (or less) slots left. To fix this, set the number of inventory slots to max number of items + number of blueprints you intend to add this way.