Engram Not Appearing To Learn in Game

So I have made a custom mod for Mortar and Pestle, works flawless in editor. But in game it doesn’t appear in the Engram List to learn it…Any ideas whats going on?

Add your EngramEntry object to the mod’s PrimalGameData file in the “Additional Engram Blueprint Classes” list. These engrams will appear at the end of the engram learning screen. If you edit the main engram list you can make the engram appear anywhere in the list but it will conflict with any other mod that has edited the main list and/or updates to ARK that changes the engram list.

yep ive done this. Ive done 100% all steps for adding new structures like this in. I have made multiple mods never ran into this. Thought maybe its a bug with newest ADK update…

So I ran some test. It works in editor even if i run Standalone and on a dedicated server emulation which is essentially the EXACT same thing as playing the game. So im at a loss right now.

In this case, your mod probably doesn’t cook properly.
Unless you’re doing a TC, you have to have a separate PrimalGameData file in your mod folder, and you also have to specify a map from the core mod folder (just copy the generic one and rename it). These are the two most common issues, but looking at the message log that appears during cooking could help.

Yep ive done these as well. Im not sure whats going on. And there is no errors in the message log during cook

Is the cook producing files for the upload?

Drive Installed:\ARKDevKit\ModTools\Output"Mod Name"\WindowsNoEditor should have all your files in it plus a Linux version folder. etc. etc.

yessir it is