In one of the screenshots i saw the size is 7GB which is too huge for me to download. Can someone tell me why the size is so huge? I always downloaded UDK from my friends home and brought it back to my home via flashdrive. With the new Unreal Launcher am not sure i will be able to do that.
Hi ryanjon!
We really want to get the size of the engine down. At the moment the reason it is so large is because of the libraries we ship to support compiling for other platforms. Several of the Android libraries are quite large unfortunately. Our plan for the future is to make those pieces more modular so the editor has a small footprint and the editor just downloads the different platform modules it needs - based on what you need.
Moving it might be difficult with a flash drive, and getting all the files so that the launcher doesn’t attempt a re-download. You could take your computer to your friends house, or download the source and third party libraries off Github. Then you could compile your own copy!
Nick (Epic Games)
Each zip file is around 750Mb and there are 2 third party zip files, and the source from github is definite less than that. So all together it should all fit on a 4Gb drive.
We support 2012 and 2013 - but we’ve moved on to VS2013 internally so that’s what I would recommend, but 2012 should work. You can compile everything with VS2013 Express. You will definitely run into the problem here but there is a workaround
If you decide to stick with 2012, when you run the generate batch file to generate the VS project files, you’ll need to run it withe the “-2012” command.
Thanks Nick. Downloading the source seems valid. I dont need Android, iOS or Mac at the moment. I only need Windows. So would it possible to download from Github the UE4 source plus anyother libraries for PC only? If so how much size would that be?
Thank you very much Nick. So i’ll go to my friends home and download the zip from Github. I assume that zip will contain the libraries required to compile and run UE4.
One more thing. I have VS2010 Ultimate and VS2012. I dont think VS2010 is supported but can you tell me if VS2012 is supported by UE4 to compile the engine? Or do i have to get VS2013?
Click on here…i think the link highlighting needs work
Ok if Epic moved to VS2013 i’ll also download VS2013 Express. Can you tell me what the problem is and the workaround?
Thanks Nick. Will do that.
Oh and link highlights needs work.