Engine RPM Updating only on n-speed

I use a node “Get Engine Rotation Speed” that called from “ChaosWheeledVehicleMovement”, but I found that RPM starts updating only on N-speed (for my setup is 40km/h!). What could be wrong and how to fix it?

Hey @KiskaWoolf0011, welcome to the forums!
It could be an issue with the order you are casting the nodes from, and for some reason, the cast is only getting called once again around the 40km/h range. I’ve found a few other threads that talk about this,

Could you share a screenshot of your implementation? I might be able to help more if I could see the blueprints.
Let me know if this helps!

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Hi! Sorry for the late update - I don’t have notification somewhy… But it is node what I usen to get the RPM