Engine not saving to disk set in location only wants to save to C drive.

Having issue with the engine not saving projects to large NAS storage array. Even when directed to use this drive and given a folder as soon as you start to setup after picking the drive it immediately switches back to default destination on the C drive and then gives error that the C drive does not have enough space. This is known. That is why it was instructed to install on the 20TB drive and not the 500gb drive when project file needs 200gb of space. How do I get it to always use the 20TB drive no matter what is being done? I have tried to launch blank projects and sample projects from the marketplace, and they all do the same thing. Default to the C Drive when that is not where Unreal Engine 5 is installed and not where I want the projects.

Hey there @TelknorDragon! Welcome to the community! If you move the project in your file system to the new drive, does it open appropriately?