Engine News 6/4

Hi !

This is a preview of features that we are implementing in a future binary release and is available on GitHub now for source users.

Engine News

New Features


Blueprint Control of Anim Trails

- You can control Anim Trail emitters in Blueprints (and code) without anim notifies.

o The only restriction with this is that the particle system component must be the child of the skeletal mesh component from which you are sampling socket locations.
o The BeginTrails function of the component will start all Anim Trail emitters in the Particle System.


o The EndTrails function of the component will end all Anim Trail emitters in the Particle System.


o You can also alter the trails properties while it is running. Here we alter the width each tick using the game time.



  •      **Alt + Shift + R** now brings up the Reference Viewer for the currently selected asset.
  •      Added support for choosing which platforms your project will target.
  •      Play In Editor in New Window respects resolution request if r.FullScreen is 1.
  •      **Content Browser**
  •       Content browser refreshes when package dirty state is updated.

Unreal Automation Tool

  •      UAT now uses the game INI files to add additional directories to cook and stage.

Unreal Frontend

  •      Added in the automation test times for those which have failed. The durations were not reflective of this.
  •      Updated the tooltips, for tests, to show which machine their operations were on.


  •      Multiple projects can now be created from one 'app' and all get listed in My Projects section.

Hi, ,

This is a cool feature. I am trying to do add animtrails to a Kinect poseable mesh (which consists of a skeletal mesh so I can have light trails in real time. Howver, I can’t seem to figure out what my target should be. Also, should I be adding all this in the Kinect poseable mesh BP? Thank you.

Hi, ,
> o The only restriction with this is that the particle system component must be the child of the skeletal mesh component from which you are sampling socket locations.

Considering code, MeshComponent will be enough

		UMeshComponent* MeshComp = Cast<UMeshComponent>(Component->GetAttachParent());

		//This particle samples the animated socket locations.
		FTransform FirstEdgeSocketSample = MeshComp->GetSocketTransform(FirstSocketName);
		FTransform SecondEdgeSocketSample = MeshComp->GetSocketTransform(SecondSocketName);