Engine lags

Hi, i have problem with UE, every time i try to add meshes my UE stops working on 2-3 min… and every time i try to load map(map has only small ladnscape and 5-7 rocks), my UE stops working at all. My Specs: i5 3330, gtx 760 8gb dd3 win7 x64, what can be the problem? (sorry for my English)

Hey ArthurAD,

Would you mind providing me with some screenshot of your scene, and the poly/tri count of the meshes you are importing?

I will say that 8 GB of RAM is a bit on the lower end side. For example the computers we are using here have 32 GB of RAM and I never encounter an unresponsive editor.

Are you receiving a crash or is your editor just becoming unresponsive?

What you can try is to reduce your settings in the editor using the ‘Settings’ dropdown menu, and setting it to high or medium. You can also try the ‘Auto’ option.

Engine Scalability

Let me know if this helped, or if you still need assistance.


Hello, i lowered my settings and i got a bit more performance. i made some screenshots… when i tried to add a mesh my computer freezes on 1-2 minuts and i could not use him. on screenshot 5 i deleted all my map and i got only 4 gb free space. now i understand that 8 gb i very low, but it real takes 1-2 gb do add 1 single rock?

Hey ArthurAD,

So those rocks are photoscanned, very high poly and triangle rocks. I am sure if you toggled wireframe you will see the this for yourself.

You are essentially working with content that was made to run on very high end machines, and your best bet is to use lower LOD’s and cull objects out of view at closer distances to the camera.

Unfortunately, this issue is simply a limitation of your current hardware.

Thank you,