As already stated in the title, my game (whilst running inside the editor) gets SUPER slow,
when selecting my own custom Character Class Actor inside the Outliner. This gets even worse, when typing something inside the search-bar in the Details-Tab. It feels like there are 1000000 calculations per second…
The blueprint is super light, contains just 4 variables and processes only movement, for now, via the Enhanced Input Subsystem.
Furthermore it has attached a springarm component which is parent to a camera component. Thats it.
When I select some other Actor from the outliner, I don’t have this problem at all.
Someone some clue what is going on there, or maybe some tips on how to profile how much ressources are going to what (maybe even the exact classes/variables/functions, is that somehow possible)?
Much appreciated and thanks for taking the time to read (and reply? ) to this post!
RHI is very good. Just “Frame” and “Game” drops tremendiously!
I will try to revert to some other driver versions, but I am pretty sure that this won’t change much. Thanks for your fast answer!
P.S. Short addendum: I noticed that my RAM Usage gets VERY close to 100% and sometimes the game doesn’t even respond anymore…
Like I said, this ONLY happens when selecting the Character Actor, not the Controller, not the HUD, not any other Actor in the world!
During the first stall or drop in performance not much is going on in the engine.
It’s almost like resources are being sucked away from it. Could it be a background process like windows update or an antivirus?
During the spike (296.1 ms) you can also see a GC above it indicating a garbage collection occurs.
2 FEngine: Ticks take nearly 300 ms
from that:
UEditorEngine::StartPlayInEditorSession 146.6 ms
LoadModule_Voice 9.3 ms
FAudioDevice::init 25.1 ms
UWorld::InitializeActorsForPlay 8.5 ms
Have you tried in standalone game mode?
Seems Pie having the most hiccup here, maybe it will be absent in game.
Garbage collection could be a problem if you are spawning / destroying many elements.
Like I said before: the Blueprint is VERY simple. And I really want to fix this problem inside the Editor, because I actually want to debug a lot of stuff and cant work like this
I think I “fixed” it somehow, anyway.
Seems like the problem was the skeletal mesh…
The real problems occured with the mesh from the CPP-Tutorial from Epic Games…
I really don’t get, why this would happen… With this mesh the editor freezes, or has 200ms reaction time (or more). (But again: ONLY when selecting the Character Actor inside the Outliner… in standalone it works totally normal, but I cant select anything from any Outliner there, can I? ).
I tried the standard cube skeletal mesh, without any material, and I still got a bump to 60-80 ms…
When I remove the Mesh completly, it works totally normal.
Do you have any idea?
I got it to work with skeletal meshes, even very big ones (amount of vertecies)…
I deactivated “Per Bone Motion Blur”, “Enable Physics on Dedicated Server”, and set “Kinematic Bones Update Type” to “Skip Simulating Bones”. These settings are found in the Character Class Defaults.
I am not 100% sure what these 3 settings are doing, but if it works now, I am happy. Very certain I don’t need them.
Hello, I’ve found this thread and had similar problem - the editor gets very laggy and there was a huge performance spike when I was selecting any actor while playing the game in editor (after ejecting myself from player).
The reason for that as I’ve found out was an option “Show Hidden Properties While Playing” in Details panel - after turning it off selecting anything was instant again.
Hello, I am having the same issue in 2025. I am using UE 5.5.3. The solution mentioned above does not work for me. I’ve tried using a cube skeletal mesh and removing the skeletal mesh entirely, but the same issue persists. I normally get around 90-100 FPS. Selecting the character on certain levels causes the editor to freeze entirely; on some other levels, the FPS drops to 10-15. I tried using the stat UnitGraph, and I noticed that Frame, Game, and GPU were in red. They were each like 70-100 ms.