sometimes my editor just stops working. it don’t get to crash, just freeze, but never come back and start using 0%~0,1% of my cpu . Does that happens to anyone else? i already reinstall the role windowns but it persist. the only pattern i identified is that happens more often when i am saving a level with a big quantity of assets. i am going to add the end of the log of the projected, in my view something went wrong, but i don’t have enough knologment to know what is.
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:477][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: ================================================
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:477][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: === FShaderJobCache stats ===
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:477][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Total job queries 1.665, among them cache hits 498 (29.91%)
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:477][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Tracking 1.151 distinct input hashes that result in 798 distinct outputs (69.33%)
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: RAM used: 29,14 MiB of 819,20 MiB budget. Usage: 3.56%
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: === Shader Compilation stats ===
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Shaders Compiled: 11
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Jobs assigned 19, completed 11 (57.89%)
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Average time worker was idle: 13.23 s
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Time job spent in pending queue: average 0.32 s, longest 1.94 s
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Job execution time: average 1.58 s, max 2.54 s
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Job life time (pending + execution): average 2.12 s, max 2.60
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Shader code size: average 37,758 KiB, min 31,996 KiB, max 55,789 KiB
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Time at least one job was in flight (either pending or executed): 2.60 s
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Jobs were issued in 19 batches (only local compilation was used), average 1.00 jobs/batch
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Average processing rate: 4.23 jobs/sec
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Total thread time: 6,914 s
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Total thread preprocess time: 1,063 s
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Percentage time preprocessing: 15.37%
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Effective parallelization: 2.66 (times faster than compiling all shaders on one thread). Compare with number of workers: 8
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Top 5 most expensive shader types by average time:
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: TMaterialCHSFNoLightMapPolicyFAnyHitShader (compiled 1 times, average 1.25 sec, max 1.25 sec, min 1.25 sec)
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: TBasePassPSFNoLightMapPolicy (compiled 1 times, average 0.77 sec, max 0.77 sec, min 0.77 sec)
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: TShadowDepthVSVertexShadowDepth_VirtualShadowMap (compiled 1 times, average 0.67 sec, max 0.67 sec, min 0.67 sec)
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: TBasePassVSFNoLightMapPolicy (compiled 1 times, average 0.63 sec, max 0.63 sec, min 0.63 sec)
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: FLumenCardVS (compiled 1 times, average 0.61 sec, max 0.61 sec, min 0.61 sec)
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Top 5 shader types by total compile time:
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: TMaterialCHSFNoLightMapPolicyFAnyHitShader - 18.03% of total time (compiled 1 times, average 1.25 sec, max 1.25 sec, min 1.25 sec)
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: TBasePassPSFNoLightMapPolicy - 11.11% of total time (compiled 1 times, average 0.77 sec, max 0.77 sec, min 0.77 sec)
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: TShadowDepthVSVertexShadowDepth_VirtualShadowMap - 9.69% of total time (compiled 1 times, average 0.67 sec, max 0.67 sec, min 0.67 sec)
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: TBasePassVSFNoLightMapPolicy - 9.06% of total time (compiled 1 times, average 0.63 sec, max 0.63 sec, min 0.63 sec)
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: FLumenCardVS - 8.81% of total time (compiled 1 times, average 0.61 sec, max 0.61 sec, min 0.61 sec)
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: ================================================
[2024.01.08-03.29.53:983][736]LogFileHelpers: InternalPromptForCheckoutAndSave started…