engine freezing with 0% cpu usage

sometimes my editor just stops working. it don’t get to crash, just freeze, but never come back and start using 0%~0,1% of my cpu . Does that happens to anyone else? i already reinstall the role windowns but it persist. the only pattern i identified is that happens more often when i am saving a level with a big quantity of assets. i am going to add the end of the log of the projected, in my view something went wrong, but i don’t have enough knologment to know what is.

[2024.01.08-03.29.20:477][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: ================================================
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:477][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: === FShaderJobCache stats ===
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:477][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Total job queries 1.665, among them cache hits 498 (29.91%)
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:477][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Tracking 1.151 distinct input hashes that result in 798 distinct outputs (69.33%)
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: RAM used: 29,14 MiB of 819,20 MiB budget. Usage: 3.56%
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: === Shader Compilation stats ===
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Shaders Compiled: 11
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Jobs assigned 19, completed 11 (57.89%)
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Average time worker was idle: 13.23 s
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Time job spent in pending queue: average 0.32 s, longest 1.94 s
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Job execution time: average 1.58 s, max 2.54 s
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Job life time (pending + execution): average 2.12 s, max 2.60
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Shader code size: average 37,758 KiB, min 31,996 KiB, max 55,789 KiB
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Time at least one job was in flight (either pending or executed): 2.60 s
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Jobs were issued in 19 batches (only local compilation was used), average 1.00 jobs/batch
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Average processing rate: 4.23 jobs/sec
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Total thread time: 6,914 s
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Total thread preprocess time: 1,063 s
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Percentage time preprocessing: 15.37%
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Effective parallelization: 2.66 (times faster than compiling all shaders on one thread). Compare with number of workers: 8
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Top 5 most expensive shader types by average time:
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: TMaterialCHSFNoLightMapPolicyFAnyHitShader (compiled 1 times, average 1.25 sec, max 1.25 sec, min 1.25 sec)
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: TBasePassPSFNoLightMapPolicy (compiled 1 times, average 0.77 sec, max 0.77 sec, min 0.77 sec)
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: TShadowDepthVSVertexShadowDepth_VirtualShadowMap (compiled 1 times, average 0.67 sec, max 0.67 sec, min 0.67 sec)
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: TBasePassVSFNoLightMapPolicy (compiled 1 times, average 0.63 sec, max 0.63 sec, min 0.63 sec)
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: FLumenCardVS (compiled 1 times, average 0.61 sec, max 0.61 sec, min 0.61 sec)
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Top 5 shader types by total compile time:
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: TMaterialCHSFNoLightMapPolicyFAnyHitShader - 18.03% of total time (compiled 1 times, average 1.25 sec, max 1.25 sec, min 1.25 sec)
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: TBasePassPSFNoLightMapPolicy - 11.11% of total time (compiled 1 times, average 0.77 sec, max 0.77 sec, min 0.77 sec)
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: TShadowDepthVSVertexShadowDepth_VirtualShadowMap - 9.69% of total time (compiled 1 times, average 0.67 sec, max 0.67 sec, min 0.67 sec)
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: TBasePassVSFNoLightMapPolicy - 9.06% of total time (compiled 1 times, average 0.63 sec, max 0.63 sec, min 0.63 sec)
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: FLumenCardVS - 8.81% of total time (compiled 1 times, average 0.61 sec, max 0.61 sec, min 0.61 sec)
[2024.01.08-03.29.20:479][133]LogShaderCompilers: Display: ================================================
[2024.01.08-03.29.53:983][736]LogFileHelpers: InternalPromptForCheckoutAndSave started…

Hey there @idtj6y1! Welcome back to the community! The shader log information you’ve shown doesn’t indicate anything out of the ordinary besides decently extended compile times. Would probably need to view the whole log to see if there are any errors cascading before the freeze itself.

Sorry for take soo long i was on vacation. here is a log where the same problem happens, it’s a bit long because i can’t consistently make it happens so i just kept using the engine some time. i upload in one drive because the log has more than the caractere limit.


Hope you enjoyed your vacation! There’s nothing jumping out at me to explain the freezing/ There’s a couple of possibilities. You mentioned it occurs when saving a level with lots of assets right? Set up a test scene with just one asset and see if saving it fails.

Specifically the one mentioned here:
[2024.01.17-21.35.19:856][ 0]LogStreaming: Error: Couldn't find file for package /Game/MATERIALS/bebitalia_husk_h2g_main_01_mtl_5 requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Game/MATERIALS/bebitalia_husk_h2g_main_01_mtl_5

May I also know your specs?

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