Engine developer modules in shipping game


I need to add dependencies on some developer modules like “TargetPlatform”, “TextureCompressor”, “TextureFormatUncompressed”.
It works well in Development build configuration, but in shipping configuration I have this error “Non-editor build cannot depend on non-redistributable modules. […] Dependant modules ‘TargetPlatform’, ‘TextureCompressor’, ‘Engine’”. I found that it is due to the function “CheckForEULAViolation” in “UEBuildTarget.cs”.

My question is, can I force dependencies on developer modules or will this violate EULA and make my engine sources undistributable ? I only use this modules to create textures with mipmaps at runtime.

Hello keiko_

As it mentions, you cannot distribute these modules in any fashion, so attempting to include them in a shipping build will always fail. Bypassing this in any way would violate the EULA as you suggested.