I am working in Unreal Engine version 4.8. I need to import FBX file which is exported from 3DSMax. Once creating or opening any project, I am trying to import the FBX files but the engine crashes once after displaying the properties window. Here is the message window once after import properties:

Once I press OK and import it again, the engine crashes and the crash window displays as:
I have even tried downloading version 4.7.6 and did the same but I am getting the same crash. Please kindly fix this soon or give me any suggestions to try with other options. I just need to check how my objects look like. Thanks in advance!!!
Hey purmo037,
There are a few troubleshoots that I would like you to try.
1.) Have you tired importing the .fbx file into a new project?
a.) If not Please do so.
2.) Have you tried creating a simple mesh like a cube and importing it into this project?
3.) Please link your DxDiag
After trying a few of these troubleshoots let me know if the issue resolved itself or you are still experiencing this crash.
Thank you so much for your reply but the problem is its importing with other fbx files. Its not importing the fbx file what I need to import it to unreal. May be is it because of file problem?
And I am always getting the message warning problem when importing it like below:
Warning WholeFile has degenerate tangent bases which will result in incorrect shading.
Warning Warning: The imported mesh is very small. This is most likely an issue with the units used when exporting to FBX.
Can I know how to solve this?
Hey pumo037,
If you would link me the .fbx file you are attempting to import into UE4. I will see if I can recreate the crash.
Hey pumo037,
The degenerate tangent bases correlate to your UV maps. If you have overlapping maps this error can sometimes occur.
The second is the units that you have set in 3DS max are set so small that UE4 has a hard time calculating them.
Typically centimeters are used for workflows from 3DS max or Maya. 1 Centimeter in 3DS max or Maya is equivalent to 1 unit of measurement in UE4,
The fbx file size is around 53 MB which I cant upload it here if I am correct. Is there any convenient way for you in which I can send you?
I am very new to 3dsMax so I am facing the trouble to solve this warning message issues. I just read degenerate tangent bases can be solved by cleaning up UVs but I don’t know how. I am just trying to solve with that now.
I don’t know how to solve with the units because I am just importing the STEP files and exporting it to FBX file. I am not doing any changes in 3dsMax.
A link to dropbox works great.
Here is the link to the fbx file:
Hey purno037,
I downloaded you file and then tried to import Output.fbx to UE4.
I did not experience a crash, however, it did give me an error message stating that it failed to import the file.
I then tried to import the file into Maya and open it there.
I was able to import the .fbx but there was no information associated with it.
I saw no mesh, or vertices, or faces.
I then tried to rename the file hoping that maybe naming it “Output” would have something to do with it. Again, no luck.
(Please make a copy and save it before completing this next step)
The only troubleshoot that I have for you is to duplicate your mesh inside of your modeling software. Delete the other and then export again.
If this does not work then the only thing left is to recreate this mesh in another project.
This issue appears to be occurring before the import into UE4.
At this time I will be moving this out of Bugs and into Using UE4.
If you still have a problem after you troubleshoot your .fbx after following these steps, then please comment again.