This happens not when I click import, but after I click yes on the “do you want to select tiles” when selecting the first 0_0 tile.
Not sure exactly where the crash is happening in the import process, but my 25x25 tile, 4033 x 4033 tile import crashes in 5.3 regardless of settings for edit layers or any changes to the World Partition grid settings.
Anyone have any luck getting large landscapes in in 5.3? Is there a setting or something to enable the batched import?
Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum) [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers\Array.h] [Line: 771] Array index out of bounds: 1895833600 from an array of size 1895825408
Edit, happens even with far fewer tiles, only 13x13, still crashes.
I looked everywhere for the 5.3 Preview successive batch import and found nothing.
My guess is that Epic hasn’t implemented it yet.
In regular 5.1/5.2/5.3 World Partition, there is no need to use tiles as they are simply stitched back into a single heightmap again on import.
Plus most valid World Partition heightmap sizes are prime numbers and can’t be split into tiles.
World Partition also doesn’t use 4033 tiles. That will result in a padded stretched edge.
Valid World Partition sizes are (511 x N) - (N - 1) where N is the number of components.
5.1/5.2/5.3 World Partition has a maximum fixed heightmap size of 16384x16384.
You can’t get over that limit by simply using tiles.
The supposed 5.3 successive batch import is supposed to fix the 16k limit.
If you are instead looking at using World Composition, then I have successfully imported heightmap tile sets up to 250k x 250k with no issues other than a long wait.
But I am using an Intel workstation with 512GB of memory and an RTX-3090.
Nice tip about the tile size, didn’t realize it was different from the old regular landscape tile sizes.
As far as being able to make terrains above 16k, it seems like that works in 5.3, as long as you don’t enable edit layers (then you get a different crash about it attempting to allocate a greater than 16k texture), but I just tried it and I was able to successfully override the number of components to make a 32,641 x 32,641 resolution terrain.
I’m trying my tile build again with the correct dimensions for World Partition.
I always get this Max2DTexture error when attempting to import any size greater than 16384x16384, which is the largest DX texture size.
The largest valid World Partition size it seems is 16321x16321.
It has been that way since UE5.1.
UE5.0 can import up to 42k x 42k before it gives a malloc error.
I tested this with my workstation with 512GB and RTX-3090 and that is the largest 5.0 supports.
If you import a few heightmaps into World Partition, you can see on the details panel for the Landscape that the Quads/Section and Component sizes are always 511 and 1021.
Importing anything other than those sizes will always pad and stretch out to those sizes.
So all valid World Partition sizes are (511 x N) - (N - 1) in size.
World Partition uses a larger 511 quads per section size (vs 63 and 127 quads/section), most likely to reduce drawcalls for larger terrain sizes.
You can still import Recommended Sizes* such as 2017, 4033, up to 8129, with sections of 63 and 127 quads, but tiled World Composition equivalent tile sizes of Nx4033 etc are not properly supported and result in a padded and stretched terrain out to the next valid World Partition size.
I have tested this extensively with dozens of different heightmap sizes over many days of testing.
I have tried dozens of importing options and changes and I am unable to get any import to work over 16384x16384 in UE5.1, 5.2, and 5.3.
I always get the Max2DTexture error, which means a limit of 16384x16384.
If you figure out how to get larger sizes with 5.3 it would be great if you could share it so that I can really test it out.
The 5.3 Roadmap stated that it was going to be using a “successive batch” import mode.
Yes, this works. Disabling “Edit Layers” allows for importing a larger heightmap.
You will lose non-destructive layers and splines by doing this though.
My guess is that Epic is using a DX texture for the edit layers, which will max at 16k.
I have successfully imported a 32641x32641 heightmap, which will require a computer with 64GB+ to accomplish due to the memory usage.
I am going to try larger sizes and see where I can break the engine with my 512GB workstation.
65281x65281 crashes with a TArray error after allocating about 60GB of memory.
48451x48451 crashes with a TArray error.
40801x40801 crashes with a TArray error.
34681x34681 crashes with a TArray error.
So it looks like 32641x32641 is the largest that is possible.
Really appreciate all of your UE related videos. Particularily the ones related to world partition.
Since trying out UE5.3 today. I have finally been able to import 8k heightmaps. Previous versions would crash at anything at 4k or higher. Not sure why. I figure this new batch import process is doing its thing.
What I am wondering is if it is still a worth using tiled maps at all? I know it does work. I just wondered if it would allow for larger imports when using multiple tiled heightmaps?
In UE4.27 I am able to import an absolutely huge map which is made up of 1k tiles, scaled to 200% X&Y. The world I was creating was 80x80km roughly. But in UE5 i have just not been able to do so.
For World Partition, there is no difference between using a file tile set or a single PNG file heightmap, the tiles will be stitched during the import process, so you gain nothing.
And using tiles doesn’t allow you to create a larger terrain size.
UE5.3 is using way less memory during the Landscape import process.
So depending on your system specs you should be able to import much larger heightmaps in World Partition now with 5.3.
World Partition importing with Edit Layers enabled is limited to 16k x 16k, with Edit Layers disabled is limited to 32k x 32k.
If you want to go larger than that, you can still use World Composition.
UE4.x is only using World Composition, so it supports much larger size terrains.
I have imported heightmaps up to 260km x 260km in World Composition in both UE4 and UE5.
Workaround for this seems to be to create a blank landscape (no heightmap selected at all), set it to the number of components etc etc you need to create the size you want. I got a 64 and 132km terrain to work this way.
Then you go back into the landscape manage tools on the Import tab, check the heightmap box and select a heightmap (IMO single image for the reasons outlined) of whatever size, e.g., 16km. Set it up and position the import gizmo where you want to place your partial heightmap, then import.
Continue to do this as needed to fill in your larger heightmap with various parts, delete components you don’t need and then sculpt/blend it together (unload regions you’re not sculpting).
This seems to work, and I even had edit layers enabled on the >32km terrain this way. Sculpting was decently fast with a single region loaded at a time.