Whenever i move the shown object into a folder the engine crashes is there a reason behind that or is it a bug?
Hi Timos153 -
Thank you for your report. We have assigned this issue to a member of our support staff, and they will begin investigation as soon as possible. If we are unable to reproduce the issue, or we need additional information, our staff member will comment here with additional questions. Otherwise, we will post an ‘Answer’ once we have logged the issue in our bug database or we have a solution for it.
In the meantime, please be sure to review our suggestions for how to report a bug, and feel free to edit your post if you have additional information to provide:
Thank you -
Eric Ketchum
Hello Eric!
Thanks for replying! I tried something similar to a new map and the engine crashed again.Specificly i attached a light component to a mesh of mine and moving it to a folder had the same effect.I also tried the same thing by attaching a particle effect which again crashed the engine.So it seems like its attaching these 2 type of objects into another that causes the crash and i dont think its mesh related because attaching a light into another led to same results.Not sure if that helps in any way but felt like letting you know.
note: Attaching a mesh into another mesh doesnt cause any problems
Hello Timos 153,
I have created a test project with starter content.
I used the Minimal_Default map with the table and chairs.
I attached a point light to the table. I then created a folder and called it Folder inside of Content. I found the table inside of the Starter Content area and Moved the table to the “Folder” folder I created. It moved just fine.
A couple of steps I would like for you to do.
1.) Recreate what I have done and see if it still crashes UE4
2.) If not send me the .fbx of your train and I will look to see if it is an issue with the Static Mesh.
3.) Let me know what you find.
Hello !
I did what you said (with the default map) i attached a light to a chair and the engine still crashed after moving the chair into a folder
Hello Timos,
When UE4 crashes and it’s on the Engine side what will happen is the entire editor will close down and you will receive a prompt to file a crash report.
From the screen shot that you showed me it seems that your OSX has stopped the engine from completing it’s task and looks for a solution.
What I will need from you is :
1.) What OSX are you using?
2.) What is your graphics card?
3.) Are you using the version of UE4 from the Epic Website or from GitHub?
4.) Any mods installed in your version of UE4?
5.) Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the engine?
After that information I will narrow this down even further.
- Excuse me but whats an OSX? I googled it and all i get is apple related stuff,i use windows.
2… NVIDIA Quadro 2000 - I use the UE4 from the Epic website,i dont remember using GItHub would it be noticable if i had? I dont really know how GitHub works if its somthing more than a download page then i gues iam not using that
- No mods installed
- I havent done but redownloading the whole thing would be a bit of a pain due to my slow download speed
By the way iam running ue 4.8.2 not the 4.9 preview
Hey Timos,
An OSX is your operating system. It’s just short hand.
A bit of a type-o on my part. OSX is mac specific.
Probably should have just typed out operating system
So Windows? Linus? Mac?
Your NVIDIA does support Direct X 11 so no compatibility issues there.
No mods, that’s good that means there is no third party software that could interfere with UE4 or your imports.
Lastly what modeling software are you using to make the train?
Ah allright the X got me confused
Iam running Windows and the modeling sofrware i use is 3dsmax 2014 but could this be related if the engine still crashes without my own models? Attaching a light to another light and moving them to a folder does the same thing,afterall i tried the chair example from the starting content and the same problem occured
No the software is not related to the crash,
I am just anticipating a test on my part in max and then importing it.
Really the basis of that ties back into the possible mod interfering with either your models or the static meshes provided inside of the engine.
At this point, I know you have a small download speed, but reinstalling the software is truly the last troubleshoot before asking for your project so I can test the scene on different computer specs.
If you downloaded it from the sight the install should still be inside of your download folder.
Should make for a quicker test.
I see,the thing is iam using the Epic games launcher so i downloaded the engine through that,is it possible to find the installation somewhere or does it automatically download and install? By the way just out of curiosity if my problem still occurs in a newly created project (i tried the starting content attempt in a new project) how would testing in other specs help? I mean…could my engine make corrupted files while creating a new proejct?
Hey Tim,
So the though process here is to see if it’s something on your end or if it is truly something within the engine.
I tried a test on my machine and it worked just fine.
If I tested your project on this computer and it crashes then the problem would lie in that project.
Since you started a different project in a standard test project, and it still crashed, I am inclined to think that it could have been due to the way the engine was installed. Perhaps that slow download speed, caused an issue during the download.
If the engine crashes UE4 then it should give you a crash log.
So what I need is your DxDiag and then your logs and .zip those and send them to me.
Hey Tim,
Sit tight I have recreated what you had using a different method of moving.
What i did to not crash the engine was to look for the object inside of the folder and then move it. Instead of the world outliner.
Well by slow speed i mean something around 500kbps Its not like way too slow but it would require a 4h download or something close to that,Let me know if i got something wrong in the asked files i got the crash report from C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportQueue and the Dx info by pressing the save all information button is that correct? link text
Hey Timos,
So I recreated the issue you were having. The work around for this is to find the object in the Content Browser and then move it to the folder you want. I know that’s a little slower than right clicking from the outliner.
This issue is fixed in a later version of the engine. Look forward to the next major release for this issue to be resolved.
So is it an engine bug afterall? Thanks for the temporal fix iam okay with doing that for now it wasnt a major bug anyway just something to be aware of.
Thanks for your time keep up the good work!
It appears an engine version bug. It’s strange that there was no crash report generated, however yes there is a work around and it is fixed in a later version.
Good to hear Have a nice day! (or night or whatever the time is there)