Engine crashes when I open some physics asset.

Engine crashes for when opening some of the physics assets. I don’t want to recreate them as I tweaked a lot of things. Skeletal structure looks fine. Can someone please help.

[quote=“PU_Gamer, post:1, topic:1952297, full:true, username:PU_Gamer”]choiceadvantage
Engine crashes for when opening some of the physics assets. I don’t want to recreate them as I tweaked a lot of things. Skeletal structure looks fine. Can someone please help.

It seems you’re encountering crashes when opening certain physics assets in Unreal Engine. Let’s explore some potential solutions:

Reset Layout:
Try resetting the layout of your project by going to “Window” → “Reset Layout” within Unreal Editor.
Restart the editor afterward and see if you can open the PhysicsAsset window without crashing.
Graphics Driver Update:
Ensure that your graphics driver is up to date. Sometimes outdated drivers can cause instability.
Verify that your system meets the recommended specs for running Unreal Engine.
Create a New Physics Asset:
While it won’t recover your old asset, consider creating a new physics asset. Use the “Create and Assign” option to set it up directly for your skeletal mesh.
This approach worked for others who faced similar issues.
Remember to test these steps and adapt them to your specific situation. Hopefully, one of these solutions will resolve the crashes!

Hope this will help you.
Best regards,

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What fixd this issue is I had ‘Head’ as bone name and also as a mesh name inside Blender. Edited the mesh name and reimported the rig. Which did not change any animation or heirarchy but fixed this weird issue. Thanks for responding, appreciate it.

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