Engine crash when selecting a blueprint actor in-game

Yesterday my project was perfectly fine, worked as usual without any particular bugs. Today I opened my project and started by a little play-test without changing anything (so my project is EXACTLY the same as yesterday), I entered play-mode, detached from the player character to navigate in the scene as a spectator and as soon as I clicked on a blueprint actor the whole engine froze and after about 5 minutes my laptop restarted closing every active program an leaving without a crash report.

I thought it was just a punctual crash so I restarted the project and tried to do the same manipulation to make sure that it wasn’t gonna happen again, turns out (after a whole day of crash test) EVERY TIME I enter play-mode, detach from the player character and select a blueprint actor (whether by clicking on it or just selecting it in the outliner) the whole engine freeze and if I’m lucky it crashes with a crash report telling me absolutely nothing. It seems like during the crashes Unreal Engine consume A LOT of memory, approximately 10Go that takes up to 95% of my Memory whereas usually it doesn’t exceed 4Go. The bug happens only if I select a blueprint actor, a static mesh for example doesn’t cause any problem, but a blueprint actor composed of several static meshes and no logic causes the bug too.
I tried the same manipulation in another smaller project and while it slows down the engine during a second or two it doesn’t provoke a crash.

I honestly don’t know what I should do, as I said I didn’t change a single thing in the project between the time it worked without a problem and the crashes. So if someone has already encountered something like that or has a suggestion of what could be the cause or what should I do, thanks in advance !

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Same thing is happening to me, but it just gets stuck. Sometimes I can exit play-mode and it seems to go back to normal. This is sort of a nail-in-the-forehead situation because I need to inspect objects while the game is running.

I’ve been having the same problem for some days now. Whenever I try to select to select a character actor in play-mode, it would freeze and basically takes up to 95%+ of memory, just like it would if I had an infinite loop somewhere. And it would happen even in a brand new character blueprint.

After some testing, it seems disabling the “Show hidden properties while playing” option in the details tab of selected objects does the job.

No more freezes for me at least.