After Upgrading from UE 5.2.1 to 5.5.0 or 5.5.1 random Engine files keep getting deleted when starting the Unreal Development Editor in DebugMode over VS2022 after Reboots.
The missing files are always different, but are most of the time located in the Runtime\Core or Runtime\CoreUObject folder.
Today after 2 weeks working without issues the file “UnrealEngine-5.5.0-release\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Templates\UnrealTypeTraits.h” was suddenly missing.
The files can not be found and restored in the bin but are just suddenly disappearing.
I had to extract the original files again from the .zip and put it into the corresponding folder and wait 2-3 hours for the whole Engine to compile again…
Other files I wrote down who suddenly disappeared in the past have been (sometimes also the .cpp files):
I already disabled HotReload and LiveCoding.
I use the Unreal GitHub version building from the released source on a Windows 10 PC.
Now my suspicion is the newly added Fab-Plugin, which I will turn off after the compile is finished.
I also have some port blocking .NetHost issues when stopping and restarting the Editor.
I didn’t see any posts regarding these issues, please fix the Engine, 5.2.1 worked much better for me…