Engine 4.7.2 Blueprint could not be loaded because it derives from an invalid class

Hello, I have problem with one blueprint. when I was duplicated project (4.2 version) to upgrade it to next version (4.7.2) one blueprint lost parent class.

“Blueprint could not be loaded because it derives from an invalid class. Check to make sure parent class for this blueprint hasn’t been removed!”

In my case, I lost a parent class “GameplayDebuggingHUDComponent”. Interestingly, this class was available in new updating project but for unknown reasons it lost connection.

I solved this problem as follows:

  1. In old project I made a copy of a working blueprint and I used reparent blueprint (file-> reparent blueprint) to assign a different class.

  2. Next I copied blueprint to a new project and again I used reparent Blueprint to reparent correct "GameplayDebuggingHUDComponent class.

if someone want to check this blueprint here it was

fixed v4.7 https://www.dropbox.com/s/zd386upaxstepwn/HUD.uasset?dl=0

broken v4.7 https://www.dropbox.com/s/utptw5aoizl269n/HUD_broken.uasset?dl=0

original v4.2 https://www.dropbox.com/s/eufcdywde1ps1ed/4_2_HUD.uasset?dl=0

sorry for English but it isn’t my native language.

Hi ,

Thanks for solution! A lot changed between 4.2 and 4.7 on code side, particularly with 4.6, and it’s expected that some things like this might happen with so drastic a change in engine version. Thanks for posting your solution!