Energy consumption problem

I finished and packed my game, except that when I play it I have a rather high energy consumption! And my processor at 17%, is that normal?

Pretty normal. I assume your GPU is at 100?

my GPU is at 0% and my CPU is at 17%

GPU can’t be at 0. How are getting this?

Something’s using a lot of CPU. That’s not particularly uncommon – games want to use a lot of resources.

You might want to open up a profiler and figure out what, specifically, is using the CPU. There are some profiling tools built into Unreal, and you can also use a stand-alone tool like VTune (if you’re on an Intel CPU) or AMD-uprof (if you’re on an AMD CPU.) If you’re not building the engine yourself, you will also want to download/install the source and debug symbols for the version you’re using in the options in the EPIC launcher.

thank you i’ll have a look to see what’s taking too much in my cpu with the profiler. But there is no doc or video on optimization I can’t find?

The CPU has a dedicated GPU inside, switch to the second tab of that windowm I don’t know how is called in french. See which GPU the game is using. Should be GPU0 and GPU1

that ?

Your GPU is at 100% usage. Enable Vsync for your project and it will reduce significantly.

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oh thanks you it’s better !!

Now i have just energy consumption, but it’s better