I am working on a spawn system, I have it setup and right now a basic kill the pawn and respawn after a delay works. What I am trying to do now is setup special spawns. I want to only allow spawns on this spot if a certain enemy is not currently alive and if it has been recorded as having been killed. Then disable the same enemies’ spawn point if the special spawn has spawned. I set up an actor BP with a capsule and created children from this. I created an array on the parent but when I call a getter on it, it does not show the contents on the children BP’s. Another question is would it be better to do this strictly in the level BP. As of right now I can set any number of my spawn points and the work correctly independently of each other. I tried a get all actors of class and on the spawn I wanted I used a contains and I am not sure how to set the variable for the Item I am looking for, the variable is of the character class. Any help would be appreciated. If you need to see any of my BP’s to help let me know.
I created an array on the parent but when I call a getter on it, it does not show the contents on the children BP’s.
I’m not sure what this means. Could you perhaps show the blueprint and explain what you’re not seeing?
I wouldn’t do it in the level blueprint. This is a good candidate for being a blueprint that can be placed in any level. I’d set it up basically like this:
- Spawn point blueprint. Has an event that you can call to spawn the enemy. Has an actor variable for the spawned enemy. When it spawns an enemy, sets the actor variable to the newly spawned enemy actor.
- Spawned enemy blueprint. Has a variable to keep track of the spawn point. When the spawner creates a spawned enemy, the spawner sets this variable to refer to the spawn point. When this enemy dies, the enemy uses this variable to tell the spawn point that it’s allowed to spawn new enemies.
This would let you place spawn points that each have their own unique enemy spawned and will only be able to spawn enemies once the previous one has been destroyed. Actually triggering the spawn event (e.g. on a timer or trigger) could be achieved in the level blueprint or perhaps in a subclassed blueprint.
I hope that helps.