Enemy´s character not moving to target point

In my game, a specific character (actor) is spawned in the mouse´s position related to the world location. Ok
I have a Target Point which could be spawned randomly on the map or could just get it already created from the beginning. Ok.

I´´ve created an AIController with the condition (better to see than read):

Move to GuardPoint.

Then i´ve created an editable variable as an Actor.

And i supposed as long i need to have the enemy´s actor spawned, i need to set the variable as the Target Point, which i do in Level Blueprint.

But it´s not working, probably i´m missing something or setting wrongly, i don´t know.

What should i know and do?

Is the MoveToTarget path being executed at all? Or is it just the GuardPoint? Are you able to provide the project you are working in so I can take a deeper look?

I´ve tested it placing in the world manually, and worked because i´ve manually set the value of the Variable GuardPoint1.
But if i try to make that work by spawning the actor, doesn´t work at all, but the function and BP are all called.

No, i can´t provide the project.

I´ve gotten the solution!

I´m not using target points anymore. I´m using random location now, and it´s working nicely and well done.

Thanks anyways!