We need to see your bleuprint to be able to help with this.
- When enemy has died he keeps punching when character is in range.
- If I move character so enemy is off screen and then go back, enemy does not punch
- I have tried ‘StopAnimation’, turning IsPunching to false with a Boolean, and none of these work.
- This is the enemy health value and death from the enemy blueprint
- Once the enemy is dead, he has no other movement, other than the punching, which comes from an animation Montage
You are not stoping the animation anywhere.
I have tried ‘StopAnimation’ node after the ‘SetCharacterDeath’, and nothing changed. Where else could I put it, or what other nodes?
Connect it to Set Enemy Death.
Whoops, sorry, that’s what I meant.
It was my fault…I was trying to place the stop animations/montage stop into the character blueprint instead of into the animation blueprint.