I’ve setup my character player’s health and everything is working fine. Now I’m trying to setup my enemy’s health bar widget using UMG as well, but the fill does not show. There will only be two health bars, the player characters and the enemy’s.
This is the binding for the enemy to the health widget, and yes I made the float variable public. The widget shows up, but not the fill. I set the to binding to 1.0 on the widget and float variable in the enemy’s blueprint. What am I doing wrong?
I was trying to reference the float variable (Health) to the widget, then bind it to the fill. This widget is gonna be used with an A.I, not a playable character by the player. I’m trying to cast to a character blueprint I have the A.I set up in. I’m still in the process of learning those terms, I am finding out that those don’t mean the same thing.
You get whatever you need to get, wherever the value that you need to be changed is. So, if this is an AI pawn, you would get pawn, cast to AIpawn, grab what you need.
Well first off, never use self reference inside a widget, unless you are trying to reference that widget. Player Pawn/Character are for character that the player uses. Is the enemy Playable by a Player? Is it Enemy AI? Is it Character Class or Pawn Class? I mean, you not knowing how to cast to the appropriate class may be a bigger underlying issue here. You need to be very specific. Show me the BP of the class you are trying to cast to. As in, the whole thing, not just the code part. Actor, Pawn, Character, these things we need to know to help out.