Enemy Collision Won't Stop (Sometimes)

When I kill an enemy in the game, it’s collision should stop and the enemy should drop through the wall/ground, but sometimes the enemy is just keeps standing on the ground. It even sticks to a moving platform, and follows its movement, but then when it collides with a wall, it ignores it, as it should. It happends very randomly. I have checked with “print string” event that the collisions are disabled. Is this a glitch?

Okay… It seems like adding “Launch Character” made it work. I had impulse thing attached to the player that made enemy fly sometimes, but it didn’t always work. I only realized when I teleported the enemy a little higher when it died, it didn’t have a gravity. Changing the enemys capsule components collision from Pawn to NoCollision made that forget the collision for some reason, and adding even very very small launch effect made it fall.

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