Enemy chasing the Player AT SIGHT?

I’m developing a Top-down game where the player has to sneak around the enemies without being ‘seen’. How do I implement this by using Blueprints, guys? The enemy to basically run behind/chase the player after noticing the player? I’m quite new to this so yes a little help please :slight_smile: :smiley:

Welcome to the Unreal Forums! Please don’t make your text huge; It doesn’t get your point across any better and is very distracting!

Check out Peter L Newton’s (I see him as the Go-To guy for all things A.I) Tutorials on A.I - You’ll be able to achieve everything you’re after: Unreal Engine 4 AI Behavior Tree & NavMesh - Part 1/5 - YouTube

Hope it helps! :slight_smile:

Sorry man, my bad :smiley: It’s a new neighbourhood haha! Here’s the thing, I implemented the AI such that the Enemy now chases the Player on sight. I did this using AI Pawn Sensing. Now I just want to limit the Pawn Sensing to a bare minimum when the Player is creeping under shadows :slight_smile:

In your character BP, Create a bool “In Shadows” - Set it to true when he’s in the shadows - Then cast to your Enemy and set the AI Pawn Sensing to half or a quarter of it’s default sensing ability (Remember to set it back when the character isn’t in the shadows anymore!)

Sounds great man, exactly what I had in mind. My problem is, how do I design the ‘is player in shadows’ part in Blue Prints? :slight_smile: Recognising whether the player is in shadows. Should I use a timer?

Nah, just put a simple trigger volume where the “Shadows” are. Then when the player collides, set “In Shadows” to true.

You could get a little more advanced. If the enemy is chasing the player - Then say that “In Shadows” shouldn’t fire .etc

Thanks a bunch man :slight_smile: tc! :smiley:

Not a problem; If you have any other questions, feel free to ask! If you don’t want to share your problems publicly (I don’t see why but some people prefer to keep their problems private) then feel free to email me: contact@kitatusstudios.co.uk

Thanks a lot mate! This forum is full of nice people, I’m glad to be part of it! Have a great day, sir! :slight_smile: