Hi i was trying to make a zombie attack my character and i can make an AI that follows that character when in sight, however how do i make an animation where the AI attacks the player in a proper zombie animation, for example we have all seen how a zombie attacks a character in movies with the hand slashing of sorts is their some animation i can get and blueprints that are online or something? iv been looking around but their are no actual tutorials with actual zombie feel to the game… would be great if i could get the information thanks.
Silly question, but have you tried looking for melee instead of zombies? I would assume there are more tutorials on melee enemies in general than zombies in specific.
You could get assets either from the marketplace, from free online sources or by doing them yourself.
this might help.
Or this - YouTube
Hi MegaWolf
I assume you do have a slash animation.
right click on your animation and create a montage.
open that montage and click on that little magnifier icon and then add a slot and name that.and then select that as default group.
in your zombie anim event graph create a custom event and name that zombie slash or something.
and then check to see if that montage is playing or not using montage is playing node. if not playing play that montage
open anim graph where your zombie’s state machine is and:
cache your state machine to have a saved pose then type cached pose to use that.
and use a layer blend per bone node. you can see how i set its properties in that image.
finally: if you are using an AI move to node to follow the player you must call that slash zombie event on success of ai move to node
the blue montage is playing doesn’t come up for me? Screen capture - 58d2d8c09d869c5987de936d31a1a3b8 - Gyazo
There must be something almost similar for 4.13 which gives you only a bool then use a branch
edited: I can see it when you type. how cannot you?
i can see the green montage is playing howeveri dont know how to make use of it, but as you can see i am not even close to knowledgeable because i called it green;D
well, I suggest you follow some video tutorial first.
what I learned you seems to be useless for you for now :))