The enemies are walking through my triggers & setting them off and I don’t want them to.
It’s a weapon pick-up, so as soon as the enemy overlaps the trigger, the gun appears in my player’s hand as if I walked over it.
I’m pretty sure that it’s a collision issue, but I’m just not sure what to change and on what blueprint.
Is there a way to restrict the overlap to MyCharacter ONLY?
Other Actor outputs the actor that overlaped, you can verify whatever it is a enemy or a weapon and behave accordingly.
Also you don’t want this code in level blueprint, your items gonna be dead in other levels
Sorry, but I’m not understanding what you’re saying
Is there any way that you could show me an example based on my blueprint?
I’ll try that , I was trying to use the ‘Other Actor’ pin for this exact reason, but I had nothing to connect it to.
I didn’t know that ‘Tags’ existed till’ you just mentioned it.
All I have to do now is figure out how to make a ‘Tag’ lol
Other Actor pin on overlap event outputs actor that overlapes, by this you check class of object that overlaps. And insted of level blueprint you should put code in weapon item blueprint and detect if character touch it
you can use Tags. in the defaults of your character create a TAG name what ever you like e.g. CanPickUp then in your BP Above pull a wire from the ‘other actor’ of the event node and place a node ‘Actor Has Tag’ type in CanPickUp in the tag field and use this to switch a branch node.
only characters with the CanPickUp tag will be able to pick up the weapon
open your character BP go to the Defaults tab search for tag or goto the very bottom of the page.
you’ll figure the rest I’m sure
You’re the KING !
Thanks again buddy, that worked like a charm.