Hi, I’m learning the engine through the tutorials, i’ve done a couple of them, however, in the endless runner tutorial, from the point where I make the child Blueprint of the floor tile and access it through a Floor Tiles Array, once the Pawn crosses the first Trigger Collider, the game crashes and reports an infinite loop.
I’ve double checked every step of it, the tiles seem to be working when i simulate the game, it’s when the runner Pawn triggers the Add floor Tile Function that the Bug happens and crashes the game. And Also, only when the FloorTilesArray is being used in place of the single Floor_BP.
Another thing I’ve noticed is that when I compile the FloorTile the RunGameMode BP gets decompiled, and vice-versa. Also when it crashes it says
Script call stack:
“Function /Game/ThirdPersonBP/Blueprints/PickUp.PickUp_C:BndEvt__PickupItem_K2Node_ComponentBoundEvent_127_ComponentBeginOverlapSignature__DelegateSignature
Function /Game/ThirdPersonBP/Blueprints/PickUp.PickUp_C:ExecuteUbergraph_PickUp”
Hej, I have the samme problem. My tile also decompiles as soon as i compile the game mode and vice versa. If i choose the default game mode, it doesn’t crash but if i use the game mode that spawns the world, it allways crashes and says that something, like a construction node, is causing an infinte loop. Would be nice to figure out what causes this.
It switches. For example, if i play, it crashes and says that the call stack is creating an infinite loop due to the construction script in my “Tile_1”. But if i delete the construction node, it just complains about somthing else, like an destroy actor node or begin actor overlap node. Funny thing is, it all worked fine until i made two instances from one pickup item i had in the scene. Now, no matter what i do, it just crashes and gives me that error. Have tried deleting the original pickup and all the instances, but it doesn’t make a difference
Thanks for the reply. I know it’s not necessarily the node it specifies, that is the problem, i tried deleting every node it complained about and it still complained about nodes that werent even connected nor active. It just kept crashing. But maybe i should try again, just delete every event/ function node i can find, to see if it says something else.
Hey again,
This post isnt mine, i just commented on it. It seems that i have gottne more or less to work again, although i have no idea how. I basically just picked most of it appart and assembled it again, with new names. But it seemes like small errors occur, like my death event disapearing. Ill post all my stuff if it happens again. And thanks.