Endless runner static mesh + particle effect

HI I’m in the process of making my first game its an endless runner and I would like to have a manhole cover with steam coming out of it for a little variation. I’m trying to think off a way to call the steam (Niagara system) when the Manhole mesh is spawned from the random static mesh Array.

(used to not spawn two trucks in a row)

I feel like I could do it with a variation of this but I cant figure out a way to call the location of the manhole to then spawn the steam.

also I feel like I should be able to check to see if a manhole has been spawned anywhere and if so target it and spawn steam in the same location but I cant seem to find the blueprints that would let me do it.

any help or a link to a video that covers this would be much Appreciated, thank you!

You could check which mesh you have just spawned ( and spawn the particle at the same location ), but an easier way is to make a blueprint which consists of the manhole and particle system, and spawn that instead.

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Ok thank you! ill try that when I get home, just for some more context the manhole cover is called from a static mesh array

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You can make it an array of classes. In there can be, ‘static mesh’, but also ‘manhole blueprint’.

If the class is static mesh, you can take the next one from another array.

Something like that.

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