Hello everyone,
I’m trying to make an enless runner game based on this great tutorial series: [click
Endless Runner: Wrap Up | 07 | v4.7 Tutorial Series | Unreal Engine - YouTube
So everything works fine, but I want to add some more Floor tiles (actually one) which make me problems and I’m not able so solve it by myself. I want to spawn a tile where the path splits in two directions, where the player has the options to turn left or right and based of the decision the course keeps spawning the chosen way.
I hope someone can help me.
Thanks in advance
Modify your tigger boxes on you T intersections.
So when spawning - spawn both directions of the T intersection, if he turns left, have that trigger box set up the next spawn point and continue to spawn in that direction.
Thank you for your response.
I have tried to spawn both directions at the T intersection, but I dont know how to do so exactly. I added a second Attachpoint(Spawnpoint) and added it in the GetAttachTransform Function. Made an extra function in the RunGameMode like those for FloorTiles and FloorTileCurves, but I need to attach 2 Variables (1 for left and 1 for right) and I can’t spawn the same variable at the same for both sides. Maybe you can show me a setup of a blueprint to achieve the desired result. i have posted my Blueprint setup
Endless Runner Split path - Blueprint - Epic Developer Community Forums
I will have a look over soon.
Hey , did you already take a look at my blueprints?
I’m really lost. I hope someone has mercy and tries to help me.