Hey been following along with the endless runner tutorial, set everything up as the video shows, simulated but nothing appeared ive looked into issues others have had with this changed the spawn actor bp floor tile collision handling to default also tried try to adjust location, dont spawn if colliding, nothing spawns. Anyone have any ideas?
you missed something, probably inside the gamemode event graph, or the construction script of the tile. I saw that tutorial too, check if you setup the funcion: AddTile correctly, check the tutorial again from the beginning, it is part of the learning process
Hello, I have the same problem, I have been looking into every other thread dealing with the Tile not spawning, but nothing seems to have helped. I can’t see where I got it wrong!
Here are the screenshots of what I have. Any help in pinpointing the issue would be really welcome:
OK, so I have found the reason why this was not working, so posting it here, hoping others will figure out.
The problem I had was that somehow, the gamemode blueprint was not connected to the level. Maybe it’s an update or the result of renaming it, I don’t know.
Simply select under the Blueprint large icon, and down to RunGameMode (see picture).
Thank you - I had exactly the same problem. Would never have found this.
Thx it work for me too!
Thank you so much! I’m new on UE4 so I would never found it on my own. Was becoming crazy to play “Find the differences” between my game and the one in the tutorial!
I’ve been looking for this solution for the past half hour. Thank you!
You are a legend, thx soooo much!!
Thx very much!!! I´ll never figure it out by my self! so You r a Hero!!