Endless Runner - Item not disappearing


I am currently following Endless Runner tutorial and everything else is working but when putting in for my item to destroy itself once i run over it, it does not seem to be working.

Thank you in advance.

Does the AddFlowers and the other functions happening?

if won’t there is three possibilities:

1 - bad casting

2 - no overlap detected

3 - something is crashing before the Destroy Item, might be that play sound without assets crashing(but I believe that it should not crash just because there is no asset selected)


All the assets are showing but it is not making sound or removing the item when i run into it.
I am unsure what to check with this.
Thanks for the help in advance

Do a test, please:

After OnComponentBeginOverlap, pull a pin to a print string, if it happens to print the text on the screen, try to pull a pin on GetClassName from Other Actor and print it

Hey, its not printing anything on screen or log for either of those.

Hey ! Try adding a capsule or a box collision to the actor, use it instead of the static mesh itself for overlap detection. Hope this helps!

In that case it seems it is not colliding at all.

So you need to check two things:
1 - Check if both the character and item has collision filters and they aren’t ignoring (Collision | Unreal Engine Documentation)

2 - as @solutions suggested, try to create the collision objects on both item and runner, and use them to check the collision.