Hi I have been following the endless runner tutorial and I have set my character so they turn at a corner upon a box collision, I have followed the blueprints on the video and have a box collision but my character doesn’t turn at the corners and just runs into the wall.
Hi ChazAttack
I think your problem is staring right at you. You need to enable control rotation.
Hope this helps.
I have checked all the boxes and the player is still not turning
Check the following:
Are the desired rotations being set. I.e. “CanTurn” is true?
Is the “TurnCorner” event being called. It will need to be called every frame until the target is nearly equal to the current rotation.
that seems to have worked but now I am noticing that the floor tiles aren’t spawning correctly. Which blueprints do you need to see to help with that if you possibly could part with your knowledge again!
Hi ChazAttack.
I am glad your issue is resolved. Would you mind marking this as the answer in case others have a similar issue.
As for the floor tiles, that could be caused for a number of reasons, I don’t even know what blueprints you are using.
I suggest you watch the tutorial again very carefully and ensure you haven’t missed any steps.
If it’s a YouTube tutorial, check the comments to see if anyone else has had the issue (sometimes the teacher may have forgotten or jumped over a minor setting, or an initial value or something).
If you are still struggling, provide a bit more description of what your issue is (what is actually happening) compared to what should be happening, and provide a link to the tutorial so I can try to point you in the right direction.
Good luck