Endless Runner 3 lane turn animation best way?

Hi fellas, this is Jenny here again, I have a question, what is the best way to implement a turning animation when moving from one lane to another. I have followed Virtus tutorial on making a 3 lane endless runner game where you can swipe left or right and it will lerp you into a lane. My problem is, it still does not look realistic, Can anyone recommend me the best way to implement a character moving into the left or right lane while I am swiping left or right, to make the game more realistic. I have searched all over the internet and couldn’t find this solution, Most people are having problems with their character teleporting into lane left or right lane, but since I am using lerp, im not teleporting so thats taken care of, its just I want a little animation or more realistic feel when the user turns left or right. Any help in the right direction would be greatly appreciated, Thanks everyone :slight_smile:


You could download strafe animations (e.g. mixamo) and then create a blendspace. So when you switch your lane you get the blend from running and strafing?