Hi im trying to get it so these player trackers up above turn on after 15 seconds and once they acivate they check to see how many players are on each team and if 5 teams have 0 players (aka only one team remaing) the tracker activates an end round device. But its not tracking when there are no players, the score of the tracker is always on 0/5. How do i fix?
Could have to do with the enabled state of your player counters. I think you’re misinterpreting the enabled/disabled states of the player counter. When a device is disabled it cannot receive any signals apart from being enabled. So an enabled player counter doesn’t compare the players to the target, that only happens when you bind it in the event bindings like you have done or when changed in the settings.
Make sure you put the enabled on phase for all player counters to ‘always’ and you can also remove the enable when receiving from for all player counters.
Also, for your use I think you want to disable ‘compare on count change’ for all your player counters. Maybe you do want it enabled, but compare on count change makes it so the player counter compares if the target is reached (equal to 0 players) every time a player is added or removed/killed. I’m pretty sure you only want this to happen when the timed objective completes so you would have to disable this.
i have a 15 sec timer when the game starts which when completed enables the counters and another timer which is 18 seconds that compares it so i think it should be on when it checks. Plus i made it so when the count succeeds it sets off an explosion (just to see if the player counter with the two timers worked, and it did so it just seems like the counter and tracker are having a hard time “talking to each other”. Please lmk if im still misinterperting it or if theres a different way
No in that case you did it right. I’m still unsure on why it isn’t working. Might be a bug but I’m not entirely sure.
I would suggest trying with a hud message device that shows the progress. Make sure every possible value has a separate hud message device you can show and hide (so make a device for 0/5, 1/5, 2/5, etc.)