End to end tutorial from photos to optimized model

Hi guys

I know there are bits and pieces of this scattered all over the internet.
But what really help me would be a complete walkthrough how to use RC to create a model that I could use in VR for example.
So simplification / optimisation , unwrapping and retexturing should be covered.
Anyone else interested in this ?


There you go.

One complete tutorial. :slight_smile:

They even use RC for the photogrammetry part.

■■■■. How could I miss that. Thanks :slight_smile:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxote2ZUj2o helped me get started.

Edit - actually, looking again, it’s not v gd!

There is not a really complete tutorial like “Photogrammety to game ready asset”

I found follwing videos very helpful, he covers more the post processing workflow and the capturing process itself.

Edit: Changed the channel link to a video.

Sounds good but “This channel does not exist” - tried some ‘corrections’ but no luck - cd you post it again?

I must also mention, that i bought his guide on gumroad, helped me al lot to go through the hole process of capturing fotos, reconstructing and baking.

My current workflow is:

  • Capturing Object at 24MP
    try to avoid: direct sunlight, over exposed images (better under exposed), always capture a circle of images to get the hole scene (helps aligning), do not touch or move the object, if possible i try not to use a tripod(slows down process), plan how you capture fotos before you start taking photos
  • Align images
    Watch the RC videos, they are explaning all you need to know about this Process
  • Reconstruction
    try to work with Normal detail, check if you have enough disk space (or set cache folder manually)
  • Texture the model in RC (Vertex colors are not as rich as a texture, but as always it depends on)
    Protip: Check the export settings before you hit export, wondering why there is no textrue exported when export texture is false :slight_smile:
  • Export as OBJ or FBX
    Try to use FBX most of the time, fbx is more optimized, doesn’t take so long to import
  • Import to InstantMeshes (LowPoly and good Retopo)
    Optional but works very good, you can also do all the lowpoly stuff by hand
  • Importing low poly to Blender and do some more mesh clean up
    Fill holes, check mesh, normals and so on
  • Unwrap low poly in blender
  • Import the original scann to blender, then align and check the low poly it matches the high poly
    i wasted much time to realize that the low and high poly are not matching and had another scaling and so on, just to be sure its all lined up correctliy i import and export the high poly with the same settings as the lowpoly
  • import low poly to substance designer (or blender or marmoset toolbag or 3dsmax or xnormal) and bake AO, Normal, Curvature and Texture to Low Poly
    i like the substance designer bake process very much, its easy and fast, xnormal is free and works also good
  • then post processing the generated files with substance designer
    Designer does a great job to post process textures, like sharpening, color correction and so on. 
  • when needed, process textures in substance painter.
    I used the stamp tool a lot to get rid of some imperfections, as far as i have seen painter is the only tool with the function to work on multiple layers at the same time. Quixel does also work but i dont like photoshop for several unrelated reasons
  • Import your mesh into your game engine of choice and to the game engine stuff :slight_smile:

When i started i first checked wich tools in wich order, wich tools had wich quality and also its costs. When i summarize, my current workflow costs about 60€ per month (Substance Indie + RC promo). I have to choose wisely wich tool i want and wich not, cause i’am doing this only for fun :slight_smile: Of course i want zbrush, 3dsmax, maya, marmoset toolbag, 3dCoat, but yeah, they are not for free.

So first try to imagine wicht workflow and tools you want to use then start shooting some objects and repeat the hole process as often as you can. I realized that i’am getting better and better in each step, also each step is more or less complex and also needs additional knowledge.




This tutorial is also very usefull. Its more about the phase after taking photos.

Great Link!