So my project involves a puzzle with four pushable mirrors, which you use to reflect light to a specific location to solve. “Light” in question is a static mesh, and when mirror passes through it an On Component Begin Overlap event is triggered and mirror adds an identical static mesh to itself at a perpendicular angle. When “Reflection” hits another mirror, second mirror creates another reflection, and so on and so forth.
problem starts when I push a mirror out of light. For some reason, mirrors won’t stop reflecting. Usually first one will stop just fine, but ones after it continue as if their states haven’t changed.
Initially, I was using a On Component End Overlap event to trigger a Destroy Component command to remove reflection when mirror leaves light or a reflection. From what I can tell, End Overlap never triggers on second mirror, yet always works fine for first.
next thing I tried was using a Line Trace to detect previous mirror, and when it can’t detect mirror reflection is destroyed. This only kind of works. second mirror doesn’t seem to recognize first has moved until it is pushed away or another object (like player character) passes through Line Trace.
I also tried creating a Function that passes an additional boolean variable that would be required to continue reflecting, but I couldn’t figure out how to get it to work.
Lastly, I created a couple Box volumes on either side of mirrors that use Begin Overlap to do what I was trying to do with End Overlap. This doesn’t work, either, though I imagine this is because reflection is being destroyed before it can properly trigger Begin Overlap. I can’t really tell.
I’ve been working on this for weeks, and that’s all I could come up with. Is there something I need to be doing to make sure these are working properly, or is there something that could do better?
I wasn’t able to reproduce anything like that, but I may not have enough details to recreate your setup. Can you create a test project in which this issue occurs and upload it somewhere I can get to? Thanks!
Google Drive works. I’m a personal fan of Dropbox, which is also free to use. Just upload whole test project folder. If you have any assets in there you don’t want to share publicly, you can send me a link via private message on forums.
Oh, right. Just so you know, both mirrors (being same blueprint) only reflect light in one direction, so “reflection” from second “mirror” will be on opposite side of mirror that’s being reflected on by first. Some of alternate methods I tried are still in blueprint but disconnected and I haven’t re-tested all of them since preparing this project for you.
no, you’ll find it on components menu something like enable or use CCD. like i say don’t know if it will fix your issue. i tried your project but map/level is empty and I’m not sure what you’re trying to achieve.
Thanks! But is correct: this is missing a map file. If you can put one together showing how these pieces work currently, you can and attach .umap file here and I’ll just drop it into project.
You sure? I saw three .umap files in maps folder in my DropBox, and I’m pretty sure it’s one of them. I just use example map instead of making a new one from scratch, and I used a material sphere to stand in for mirror. You should be able to just push one into vertical shaft of light (it has a cone suspended in it) and see what happens. If there aren’t any .umap files in there at all, I don’t know what to tell you or how to fix it.
Ultimately, plan is to have four moveable mirrors reflecting at right angles until it hits a plant so it can grow. I want it so that if you move any mirror, all other mirrors after it go out.
I checked out project, and from what I can see it’s working as I would expect. With version in second link you gave us, what exact steps do you need to take to reproduce issue? I moved first mirror (blueprint_mirrorNE) under light, and it created a beam that hit second mirror (blueprint_mirrorSE), which in turn created it’s own beam. When I moved second mirror out of way of first’s beam, its beam was destroyed. Is there something I’m not doing correctly to reproduce bug?
After moving first mirror into light, move it back out of light again without touching second. second mirror will remain reflecting until it is pushed.