Enabling or Disabling Multiple Images at Once


Just a small feature request since it took me so long to figure out how to even do this: 

In separate 2D views, you can enable or disable an image by pressing E or D respectively… BUT, in the main 1D and 2D views, where it’s most useful, the only way to enable or disable a large selection of images seems to be through the lower “info(?)” panel below, by marking alignment, meshing or texturing as false instead of true. 

What would be better is if you could select a large group of images, hit the “x” next to an image OR press “D” or “E” to disable or enable ALL selected images (just like pressing x near an image in the main 1D view would disable an image. 

It really took me ages to figure out how to disable or enable large groups of images. I couldn’t find it in the help… probably just me. But still, the above would make more sense. 

I normally do it in the 3d view.

with CTRL-R, and also s, and x for selecting cameras from points.

it worth having shortcuts page from the help up in a window.

Hey Chris, 


Thanks for the response. Those are useful! But I still think this feature would be nice. To be able to select from the list of images and then enable or disable them. 

true, but that would be a lot more useful if you could sort by name or any other exif information first.

THAT is definitely true, but I believe it has already been requested. 

hello Travis,

there is also an X sign next to each image name (in the list of images) that you can use to disable an image in the 1Ds panel;

you can see the red X sign when you hover over any image name in the 1Ds