Enabling Location Services on iOS


I’m trying to enable iOS location services to grab the LAT LONG and Altitude of a user’s device. I am currently initializing location services on level begin play, starting location services, and then getting a last known location object.

That object always returns values as 0,0,0 each run.

I’ve added keys to the plist file, however, I never saw any pop ups about the app needing location services on launch or run. I feel like I’ve missed something, but havent been able to find any documentation about iOS location services set up and use beyond the tooltips in the editor.

Thank you for the help!

Well, I had the same problem, but finally, I find the solution for IOS11 UE4.18 preview.
first of all, put all of this line below into p.list and it working good on my iphone7

<key>NSCameraUsageDescription</key>\n<string>allow camera in order to use ARKit?</string>\n<key>NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription</key>\n<string>Allow the GPS?</string>\n<key>NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription</key>\n<string>Allow the GPS?</string>\n<key>NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription</key>\n<string>Allow the GPS?</string>

then try this :
just make sure you are using init node first.